Harmful effect of Wi-Fi usage.

WifiToday the whole world is connected to the web of internet and technology. Nowadays we cannot imagine our life without internet. Smartphones are now in everyone’s hand from young to old. And thanks to wifi, it is more at hand. As many people in the world use the Internet, they all often use wifi. But they really don’t know what kind of damage wifi does to our body. Indeed, this WiFi is not harmful to the body? Does the use of more wifi have any effect on our body?


The answer is yes.

No cable is required to connect any device to Wifi. Wifi can be connected through WLAN. And this WLAN signal is not even healthy for the human body. Rather, it causes great harm to the human body.



Recently the British Health Agency has claimed that. Not only humans, it is a threat to other pets. It even disrupts plant life. Using Wifi creates a loop with the WLAN signal, which has a very harmful effect. The loops that are created harm the lives of humans and other animals.

Harmful effects of Wi-Fi usage:

– Fatigue

-Sleep problems

– Occasional headache

-Attention problems

– Ear pain

In real life it may not be possible to completely stop the use of wifi, but it is very important to be careful about it.

How to reduce the negative effects of WiFi:

1. Do not place the router near the head i.e. in the bedroom.

2. When not using WiFi, it is better to turn off the WiFi router.

3. Turn off the router while sleeping so that there is no WiFi connection.


A test by the British Health Agency showed that if these methods were adopted, I would be protected from the serious effects of the rays. So if you have WiFi connection at home, you can save yourself from harm by adopting these methods. So why delay and start today.

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